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06/22/2004: "Google Management Google Bombed II"

Earlier I wrote about Google's own Google Bomb.

Well, having no life, I checked my referers log; with my traffic it's easy to keep on top of. And I saw this:

1Referring URL:
Jun 21, 2004 08:45:58 PMLinux LinuxMozilla 1.3 Mozilla 1.3

The strange part, when I click on the link, google redirects me to my post Google Management Google Bombed. To their credit, Google management has not simply vaporized the insulting abuse of their search engine to imply that they are out of touch. Still, I have never seen a Google link do this kind of redirection. I wonder what's happenning behind the scenes?
And now hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=out%20of%20touch%20management%20 (spaces added manually for line breaks) shows up as a referer. Searching for out of touch management yields three pages, one of them mine. I suppose all that means is that few people mention the Google site explicitely along side the linked phrase.

Still, perhaps I should be careful. I'd hate to have Google as an enemy. Next thing you know, my traffic will slow to 3-4 visitors a day.

June 2004

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