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06/22/2004: "Media coverage: request or demand?"

I was checking out Senate votes and noticed two related bills:
Warner Amdt. No. 3458, As Modified; Expressing the sense of Congress on media coverage of the return to the United States of the remains of deceased members of the Armed Forces from overseas.
Lautenberg Amdt No. 2191, As Modified; To require a protocol on media coverage of the return to the United States of the remains of members of the Armed Forces who die overseas.

Why do Democrats always seem to want to "require a protocol"? I prefer the Republicans approach, those that are "Expressing the sense of Congress". Granted, It was not all the Dems on one side and all the Reps on the other, but these votes are consistent with larger patterns.

But congress has enough to do without micromanaging the press or micromanaging the way the military manages the press. We'd be better off if they'd spend their time devolving power to the states or otherwise shrinking government.


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