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07/07/2004: "Top ten reasons to vote against Bush?"

This is an overly long response to a post on Uncensored Blog Madness.

10. Bush announced his economic success as the Dow dropped. Saw it on CNN for myself. Oh, the irony!
The Economy is returning.

9. It's the economy, stupid.
How many building do they have to blow up before you consider the war on terror to be important?

8. Kerry isn't dumb enough to promise all of America affordable health insurance.
Granted, he's no Hillary.

7. Kerry's wife has a successful business with tasty ketchup. Cheney's oil probably tastes like corrupt money.
Mrs. Kerry does not own Heinz. Halliburton is not crooked.

6. It's still the economy, stupid.
If I weren't so late for the door, I'd talk about Kerry's voting record; it's also about good government fundamentals.

5. Bush's previous business experiences failed. What makes you think he can handle Washington?
Three reasons: 2001, 2002, and 2003.

4. Edwards has the Dan Quayle Effect -- and knows how to spell! What more could you want?
Ethics. From The New York Times (registration required):

An examination of Mr. Edwards's legal career also opens a window onto the world of personal injury litigation. In building his career, Mr. Edwards underbid other lawyers to win promising clients, sifted through several dozen expert witnesses to find one who would attest to his claims, and opposed state legislation that would have helped all families with brain-damaged children and not just those few who win big malpractice awards.

3. Kerry would reward the troops with a real Thanksgiving turkey.
As did Bush.

2. We have a Bush, a Dick, and a Colin running our country.
Thank goodness for that.

1. How long will Cheney live? Find out next on Survivor: White House!
The Vice President's health is "very good", as if that should sway any votes.

Replies: 3 Comments

on Wednesday, July 7th, Alex said

Yeah, definitely long. Agreed, however. It was meant to be a joke anyway.

on Wednesday, July 7th, Alan said

But where does the joking end and the honest political debate begin? Honest political debat is critical to our nation's success. Dishonest political attacks thinly disguised as jokes don't help. Please forgive me if this is overly harsh. But some things are more important than you or me.

on Thursday, July 8th, Alex said

I won't drag this out too far, but thanks for the response. I actually didn't intend that site to be political debate. The political debates are here. However, I do agree that a correction is in order.


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