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07/17/2004: "UM cited in Checks-For-Degrees Scam"

Once upon a time, Michael Moore's blog described The Onion as a News Source. Since then, he's taken that portion of his blog down and stopped blogging.

Anyway, gratuitous swipes aside, the Onion has a piece about worthless college degrees:

"We have strong evidence that the University of Michigan granted academic degrees to students in exchange for hefty payments, often totaling tens of thousands of dollars," Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey said. "In the process, thousands of graduates have emerged with degrees, but few or no skills applicable to everyday life. And many are as unprepared to enter the job market as they were when they first enrolled."

I heard after college that the real value of the college degree was that employers knew that college graduates were willing to put up with a bunch of hooey because that's what they were supposed to do.


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